Languages: English Türkçe

Mission & Vision

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Mission and Vision

The mission of our Faculty is to protect the cultural values from past to present while adopting the conception of contemporary arts and providing qualified art education. While being aware of the universality of the arts; to protect the Turkish Arts and Artists as well. Providing education for raising individuals whobecome efficient and competent in their field, self reliant and independent while adopting freedom of thought, owning academic frame of mind and propound their talents correctly. With the students and the academic staff, our Faculty has adopted taking work of arts with social responsibility, protecting and ultimately prolonging the nations and university’s principles and valuesas a principle.

The vision of our Faculty;

To be a Faculty of Fine Arts which :

Is preferred in academic and artistic terms through Turkey and World,

Is leading and advanced in its field with the academic staff,

Protect every dimension of arts from universal to local and share the knowledge,

Provide qualified education of arts in every stage for associate, undergraduate and postgraduate trainings,

Achieve to be distinctive, innovative and permanent in its propounded generations.